Construction of a new building “QA1”
On May 25th 2024, the Takasago Europe GmbH celebrated the opening of a new building wing of our research & development and quality affairs department. Gathering our employees and representatives like the mayor of Zülpich and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Industry of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, we celebrated our commitment to the city of Zülpich as our production site, where Takasago Europe GmbH is producing since 1999.
Energy management system ISO 50001:2018

The Takasago Europe GmbH strives to continuously improve their energy-related performance based on the requirements of the international standard EN ISO 50001. This serves to realize the defined energy-related targets of our company and thus to contribute to the protection of people, nature and climate. In 2014, the site in Zülpich was certified for the first time.
Sustainability and reduction of emissions

The Takasago Europe GmbH views sustainability as a core guiding principle, and in the environmental focus, we are committed to reducing our impact through initiatives like our "Sustainability2030" plan. This plan aims, among other activities, to lower greenhouse gas emissions and promote the use of renewable energy. By doing so, we contribute as an affiliate to achieving our group-wide Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) goals, thereby supporting a more sustainable future.
Energy consumption and Photovoltaic
To increase our renewable energy usage, we have installed solar panels on our roofs. Furthermore, to cover further energy consumption we purchase 100% green electricity and pay a compensation levy per KWh of natural gas purchased.
Heat Recovery
Since almost every thermal or mechanical industrial process ultimately releases waste heat, which has so far been largely unused and released into the environment, TEG has decided to take on this significant task and project already years back. Today, TEG has extended the factory’s heating network at the Zülpich site to integrate diffuse heat sources, reducing stress on the heating system and primary energy demand. By utilizing residual steam from condensate collection tanks, more condensates can be recovered, and less steam is needed for degassing, thus improving efficiency. This involves capturing and repurposing steam and condensate for radiators and heating water in showers, as demonstrated in our new building QA1. With this approach we can ensure heating during normal winters, making the process both efficient and sustainable.
Health and safety
The company doctor and the safety expert regularly inspect workplaces, carry out risk assessments and organize occupational safety committee meetings. Additionally, an index on consultations regarding occupational health care and preventive measures is kept.

We collaborate closely with our local fire brigade and enable them as well as the German Red Cross to carry out training exercises to ensure a smooth operation in case of emergencies.

At Takasago, we take our social responsibility serious and prioritize the health of our employees. That’s why we annually organize a Health Day — featuring exciting workshops, individual health checks, and valuable tips for an active lifestyle and stress reduction. Our colleagues gain new insights into their health and practical ways to improve it. From back coaching and stress management to nutrition advice — at Takasago, we don’t just promote performance, we create a healthy and collaborative work environment. Healthy employees are the key to our success!
Communication with local community

Takasago Europe GmbH is actively participating in various activities showing our commitment and support to local communities. One of those activities was the donation for greening the landscape around our site: Multiple trees have been planted through our donations, and we gifted the community with an additional park bench.

Takasago Europe GmbH was furthermore awarded the first IGBCE inclusion prize in the category “Companies with fewer than 500 employees” in 2024. This award recognizes the outstanding commitment of our representative body for severely disabled employees in collaboration with the HR department and the works council to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in our company.

Committed to our Logo „Triple T“, Takasago Europe GmbH actively promotes teamwork and team spirit. For the fourth year already a steadily growing team of employees attends the “Business Run” in Cologne, an event gathering about 15.000 people and where part of the attendance fee is used for local projects supporting people in need.
Additionally, Takasago Europe GmbH is a member of the development association of Zülpich’s local recreation area, the “Zülpicher See”, and supports its projects. Our employees were able to see the quality and beauty of this local recreation area for themselves during our company summer party.
History and culture / education
Takasago is strongly engaged in providing insight and education to young people. We regularly open our doors and provide an overview about job opportunities. For example, in 2024 we invited the course for advanced chemistry of a local school to visit our site to experience the practical application of chemical substances in industry at first hand and to gain an insight into the professional world of chemistry and flavors.
Furthermore, we have a strong collaboration with one of the leading European Business Schools, the Cologne Business School (CBS) close to our premises. Our students spend 2 days per week in the Business School, 3 days per week they are provided practical training and support in our company.