Research and Development
Our R&D activities are oriented toward Green Chemistry, based on the well known 12 principles
・Several continuous flow processes have been utilized to realize safer operation with less energy.
・Development of Special Catalysts and efforts toward reduce environmental impacts

Promotion of Green procurement (sustainable procurement)
・Staving for sustainable procurement (including conservation of biodiversity, etc.)
・Share environmental and social values with suppliers

Promotion of Green production
・Energy-saving activities and facility renewal
・Promotion of 3Rs

Promotion of Green logistics
・Cooperation with environment conscious logistics partners
・Review of logistics networks regularly

Human Resources and General Affairs
Strengthen Green purchasing (procurement of products and services that reduce environmental impact)
・Promote Green purchasing throughout Takasago group when purchasing stationery, etc.

Information Systems
Promotion of Green IT
・Collaboration with environmentally conscious vendors
・To promote the purchase of IT equipment with low environmental impact

EHS・Global Integration Headquarters
Actions on Climate Change, Reduction of Environmental Impact
・Responses in line with TCFD disclosure information (analysis and disclosure of risks and opportunities, development of basic strategies in line with SBTi objectives, data collection, etc.)
・Reduction of environmental impact through actions on water, bio-diversity
Initiatives for Biodiversity Conservation
The flavors and fragrances industry has been supported by various benefits from biodiversity. The Takasago Group use more than hundreds of natural ingredients from around the world, and these diverse natural resources are used in the production of flavors, fragrances, and aroma-ingredient products. Biodiversity underpins Takasago's product portfolio, leading to a wide variety of flavor & fragrance expressions. As a well-regarded company that respects the global environment and local communities, we recognize our corporate activities depend upon ecosystem and that our corporate activities have an impact on biodiversity. Therefore, our group promotes the conservation of biodiversity in order to strive for sustainable society.
Policy and Commitment
We have established the Takasago Group Biodiversity Guidelines. Based on these guidelines, we promote various biodiversity-related policies.
【Takasago Group Biodiversity Guideline】 1. Incorporate a concern for biodiversity through management engagement recognizing the impacts of our corporate activities on biodiversity and potential affects to our existence. 2. Continuously make efforts to improve raw material procurement for conservation and regenerations of ecosystem and sustainable use. 3. Promote the development and the improvement of technology, product, and process that will contribute to the conservation of ecosystem and biodiversity. 4. Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to make advancements in biodiversity conservation. |

We committed to Keidanren initiatives for biodiversity conservation in 2024. And referring to TNFD*, a globally endorsed biodiversity framework, we understand how our value chain uses natural resources, assess biodiversity-related risks, threats, and opportunities, and formulate countermeasures.
※The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, which aims to establish a framework for companies and organizations to assess the impact of their economic activities on the natural environment and biodiversity, and to disclose this information.
Risks and Opportunities
The loss of biodiversity, which has become increasingly serious in recent years, causes risks and threats, including the loss and reduced availability of natural raw materials and the accompanying sharp rise in the price of those materials, and we recognize this as our greatest risk. The Takasago Group is taking various measures to contribute to the biodiversity conservation through our business activities.
Countermeasures Management of wastewater and waste
Involvement in nature conservation activities in local communities
Integrated activities upstream of the supply chain (TaSuKI program)
Commitment to zero deforestation
Use of certification (use of RSPO certification for palm derivative raw materials)
Appropriate use of genetic resources and compliance with the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)
On the other hand, the Takasago Group believes that we will take advantage of various opportunities through these actions and integrate them with our business strategy. With regard to certification such as RSPO, the market is expanding, and handling certified products can contribute to sales expansion. Currently, the Takasago Group has acquired Mass Balance certification, one of the RSPO supply chain certifications, at our manufacturing sites and we plan to further promote the acquisition of certification.