Satoshi Masumura
Takasago International Corporation was founded in 1920. Since then, we have expanded our business from synthetic aroma ingredients to fragrances and flavors while continuing our research in cutting edge technologies. With the corporate philosophy of "contributing to society in accordance with the spirit of technology," Takasago has been creating flavors and fragrances that are important for enriching people's lives by adding characteristics to products such as foods and cosmetics.
In 1983, with the cooperation of Professor Ryoji Noyori (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2001, currently an outside director of the Company), we succeeded in the industrialization of l-menthol by asymmetric synthesis, and asymmetric synthesis technology has become one of our core technologies. We have also applied the technology cultivated in the field of flavors and fragrances to the field of fine chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, and have widely contributed to the creation of an affluent society.
Takasago has started to expand business activities, first with the establishment of representative offices in New York and Paris in 1960, and has since promoted globalization. We now have more than 30 offices covering all five continents, including bases with laboratories and factories in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, Singapore, and China.
Takasago Group has achieved growth by mutually and effectively utilizing the functions of its global bases within the Group, and aims to become a world-class flavor and fragrance company by further developing its global management resources.
In order to ensure safety and security and to consider the environment, we have obtained ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certifications, as well as ISO/IEC 17025, an international standard for testing laboratories for the inspection and analysis of products and raw materials, and FSSC 22000, an international standard for food safety and quality.
In April 2008, as part of our CSR activities, we announced the EHS Declaration (E: Environment, H: Health and Hygiene, S: Safety) to promote our environmental, health and safety initiatives. We will continue to contribute to society and culture, ensure safety and security, and give due consideration to the environment, aiming to be a company that people can relate to.