Takasago's plant in France has always been careful to protect working conditions and safety for employees while also implementing environmental measures. Thanks to the implementation of a quality, security and environmental system we succeeded in certifying our site ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 since 2002 and obtained the Group ISO 14001 certification in 2011.


Takasago's French plant produces blended perfumes, which involves heavy use of water during the manufacturing process (cleaning of the blending tanks). A key challenge was to find a solution to dispose of wastewater.
The plant has therefore installed equipment that treats the contaminated water by means of vacuum evaporation. This effective treatment also reduces the CO2 emissions by avoiding the transport by truck of our waste water up to the treatment area.
Our contribution to environmental protection lies also in different actions plans we implement throughout the year, such as :

- subscription to a new renewable energy contract
- reclaimed or recycling process for most of our waste,
- replacement of our light system by LED light,
- reduction of our water consumption
- orders consolidation
- offering environmental friendly packaging to our customers to reduce our CO2 emissions

T.E.P.L wished to create a partnerships with companies which have implemented strong social and environmental initiatives.
For example, ELISE is a company dealing with household/office waste collection and recycling. ELISE works actively towards protecting the environment by optimizing the collection and recycling of almost all our waste. This company also contributes to develop local and sustainable jobs.
The current staff is primarily made up of persons with disabilities or difficulty of insertion.

We also encourage our employees to participate in fund raising for charities such as the « ODYSSEA race » (against breast cancer) and « Pièces jaunes » (supporting children and their families in hospital).
As for the company itself, it is involved in two major causes of the French beauty industry :

Centres de Beauté du CEW (Cosmetic Executive Women beauty centers), providing aesthetic care for patients in hospitals.
Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale, which raises funds againt cerebral paralysis.
Culture and Education
TEPL is very active in the education of the local youth by offering an extensive program of apprenticeship. Each year, some students take part in our program. It allows them to confront their theoretical knowledge to the reality of our company.
TEPL has also established partnerships with schools specialized in the fields of fragrance, offering educational and technical support.