All of us in the world have our responsibility to protect the environment for posterity. As one of Takasago International Group’s aroma ingredients plants, TAKASAGO International Chemicals (EUROPE) S.A (TICSA) constantly launches its management actions from environment, health and safety perspectives.
Sustainability Activities
Energy Efficiency Activities
TICSA is doing a big effort in Efficiency Energy during the last years and it will continue in the next ones. LED lighting is already in 90% of TICSA installations, and we starting to implement another high efficiency technologies as for example, screw ammoniac chillers, inverters in big pumping groups, steam exchangers…
Some of these actions are subsidized by the European Community, giving us back around 20% of each investment.
Speed Control - Inverters by PLC (Energy Reduction)
Water Pumps Systems & Cooling Towers are controlled by PLC adapting their speed to the cooling necessities of the equipment's. We got 40% less Electricity Consumption.

Boilers Steam Purge Recovery (Hot Transfer)

This system injects the steam recovered from the Boiler purge into the Water Feeding Tank. Also the condensate steam hot is recovery by a heat exchanger. Both actions increase the temperature of boiler inlet water around 5-10ºC, reducing the combustible consumption around 4-5 %.
Community Collaborative Activities
Equality Plan TICSA I
TICSA has implemented its first Equality Plan that ensures equal conditions for their workers,
This ensures equal conditions, between men and women, in access to employment within the company.
TICSA’s Equality Plan also includes guarantees on practices that were already present in the company, such as equal access to career advancement or measures to promote work-life balance.
The main actions included in the Plan are:

- Implement an anti-harassment Protocol. Within this a “Protocol of prevention and action for cases of sexual harassment and cases of gender-based discrimination” has been developed. And the staff has been trained about the protocol.
- Training and information for all employees about equality.
- Selection and recruitment protocol with criteria of equality that includes specific actions of equality treatment, incorporating a mechanism for non discrimination in their recruitment processes.
- Specific measures about Health and Safety for women.
In summary, this Plan aims to ensure equal treatment on the grounds of gender, race, religion, and equitable conditions and working environment in our Company.
The stamp of company committed with youth employment granted by the Murcia Chamber of Commerce
TICSA participates in several programs of incorporation students from University, colleges for vocational training, specific training courses, etc. Also TICSA is going to participate in an educational program call “dual training”. These educational programs are recently developed in Spain, they aim to look for a balance between the theoretical training and the practice. Half time of the course the students have to put in practice their knowledges in a Company. the where the student can practice the knowledge that they have learn in class. In case of TICSA they will be able to work in an environment of a Chemical company like TICSA, with high technology applied to produce Aroma Ingredients. Additionally they can have an opportunity to get a job in our company if they have a good performance and the company needs incorporate new employees in a future.

Other Initiatives
Incentive Programmes Linked to Electric Mobility
The company has made available all its employees the use of four car parks where they can recharge electric vehicles. With this measure, TICSA continues with its commitment to the environment, investing in facilities that promote electric mobility for its employees.