Sustainability Basic Policy
Based on the “Care for People, Respect the Environment” statement in our Vision 2040, the Takasago Group respects all kinds of values and aims to live in coexistence with nature. Through fair and transparent corporate activities, we will continue to address social issues and contribute to sustainability in all forms.
Takasago has been actively developing environmental initiatives into the business activities since the environment statement was first published in 2002. Throughout mid-term business plans, Takasago has been expanding its scope to social aspects, such as human rights and diversity and to all sustainability-related issues.

Takasago Sustainability Team and Sustainability Promoting Committee
The Takasago Sustainability Team was formed in 2017 to ensure that all our activities are globally aligned with the vision and strategy and action plans are executed in a timely and appropriate manner. The team performs five key corporate functions: EHS, Human Resources, Quality Assurance, Operations, and R&D. The general manager of the Global Integration Headquarters leads the team and communicates information about key sustainability matters to the Board of Directors. Corporate officers and representatives involved in each function participate in the activities of the Sustainability Promoting Committee, which meets once every 2-3 months at Headquarters to exchange information and concerns and monitor the progress of our activities. Individual teams are responsible for communicating information about their functional areas across the globe and developing their own action plans following the corporate strategy.