Takasago coffee Iwata Factory produces regular coffee (bagged roasted coffee into kraft paper bag) and coffee extracts from coffee beans. Our products are used in coffee and milk beverages, frozen deserts, and confections. We are conducting odor countermeasures which are suitable for each production process, “roasting”, “grinding”, and “extracting” as Coffee has strong odor. We will continue our efforts to have no odor complain from local community by conducting odor patrols on a daily basis and having the meeting with local odor monitors.
By acquisition of ISO14001 and FSSC2200 certificate, we will continue working on the reduction of environmental burden and securing the food safety.
We will continue taking disaster reduction countermeasures and actively improve safety and security by implementation of emergency power system, establishment of procedures in case of an emergency, and implementation of an emergency earthquake report system.
Environmental Conservation activity
In 2013, CO2, water, and industrial waste were reduced in basic unit ratio. Environmental countermeasures, such as fuel conversion from LPG to town gas of lower CO2 emission factor, conversion of mercury lamp to LED, and renewal of deodorizing scrubber were conducted.
Coexistance with Nature and local community
We are participating in the Iwata City Town Beautification Partner System. We are making effort to weeding of neighboring streets and cleaning of side‐ditch and river. We conduct “Town Beautification Orienteering” after Iwata City Festival in cooperation with nearby enterprises. We actively conduct CO2 reduction activities, such as participation in "Turn‐off‐the‐lights campaign" (hosted by Japanese Ministry of the Environment), and implementation of “No Driving Day”.
We are also participating in thinning and tree planting which are parts of the groundwater catchment project.
Resource Circulation and Reduction of Waste
We actively made efforts on resource‐recycling of coffee‐extract residue as biomass fuel, and in 2013,we achieved about 650 tons reduction of CO2 emission in the entire business.
We actively made efforts on resource‐recycling of coffee‐extract residue as biomass fuel, and in 2013, we achieved about 650 tons reduction of CO2 emission in the entire business.
Jute bag for coffee raw beans are transferred to local farmers without counter value and recycled as weed‐proof. As for various waste, we examine the waste disposer who are able to recycle resources in order to contribute to reduction of waste discharged.
Safety Countermeasures
We shall endeavor to prevent Industrial accidents by following activities; Mutual disaster prevention by utilizing emergency radio network with the group enterprises and nearby enterprises, a horizontal expansionofsafetyinspection,implementationofsafetytrainingsuchasKYT (KikenYochiTraining– hazard prediction training), and conducting patrol at workplace at an appropriate time by various media.