We imagine the future of fragrance.
We combine consumer intelligence, social and market insights to inspire our clients and creative teams.

Interpreting the signals of change
In a post-Covid-19 world, we are all designing for a new kind of consumer. Understanding what people will still want to buy and how to create the right products for them is more important than ever. The coronavirus pandemic is shaping up to be the biggest global driver of change witnessed in most people’s lifetime, and it is already forging new consumer attitudes towards sustainability, health, emotions, technologies and human connection. Entire industries are having to adapt to a new reality that demands flexibility, resilience and, above all, creativity. The good news is that times of great crisis yield great innovations. We need to understand the signals of change and explain how they will impact the future.

Macro-future vision
Our global macrotrends perspective is designed to inspire innovative solutions to emerging social influences that will shift lifestyles, change mindsets and ultimately impact consumer choices.
The disruption caused by the pandemic has given us a pause to reflect on the kind of world and lives we want.
While there was an initial desire to get back to normal, there are also indications of a huge appetite for significant change moving forward.
Diving into Social and Lifestyle Trends & Creating New Opportunities
Our Global Marketing and Consumer Intelligence teams interpret social and lifestyle trends and apply that knowledge, infused with cultural influence, to consumer product categories around the world. Based on this immersion in trends and our understanding of the market, we develop unique insights, concepts and recommendations that help position clients for success.
Immersive category trends and market inspirations
We are category experts. We cross our macro proactive vision and social trends with specific consumer needs within specific categories. We provide market insights and conceptual activations for each market and each country in the world.