The Kashima Factory manufactures citrus essences used in soft drinks, natural extract liquids such as vanilla and other spices, and extracted aromas such as coffee and oolong tea.
We acquired global integrated ISO14001 certification and FSSC22000 certification in 2011 to provide assured food safety.
5S/Kaizen Activities
We carry out clean-up activity in entire factory once a month. We are aiming to establish comfortable work environment by cleaning not only in inside of the buildings but also within a factory plot. Also, aiming to create an easy-to-work workplace for ourselves, we carry out Kaizen activity such as safety measures and health measures. These activities are follow-upped through 5S/Kaizen inspection and 5S/Kaizen Promotion committee. We will promote continued 5S/Kaizen activities in all participation.

Food Safety Management System
Kashima factory had surveillance audit of FSSC22000(Food Safety Management System)in November 2014. We will effectively operate Food Safety Management System, promote awareness of food safety, and make efforts to maintain and improve it in order to provide safe and reliable products to our customers.
Disaster prevention and Health and Safety
In our factory, disaster management and BCP (Business Continuity Plan) will be continuously enhanced from the experience of fire accident and leakage at Hiratsuka Factory and of Great East Japan earthquake. Reflecting the fire accident at Hiratsuka Factory, we conducted the surprise training and measured the time from outbreak of fire until water-discharge. We expected it would take about 10 minutes to water-discharge, but it took 3 minutes. We will aim for more speed-up in the future. We conduct in-house anti-disaster management training session included a big earthquake. In order to protect employee's safety, we conduct in-house training such as the evacuation drill to rooftop assuming a large tsunami, the integrated emergency response drill assuming the fire caused by the ignition of static electricity after the leakage of dangerous substances by big earthquake, the initial fire extinguishment by fire extinguishing sheet, and the reporting of in-house networking self-disaster drill. Also, we participate to local industrial park’s joint disaster drill twice a year. We promote Health & safety and health countermeasures every year. Once a month, a safety officer and member of safety promotion committee conduct health and safety patrol at each workplace. With the objective of preventing passive smoking, smoking room is set up at all workplace to prevent health damage, health consultation by Industrial Physician and nurse, Confirming health and safety of working environment by filed patrol accompanied by sanitation manager every month.

Environmental Management System
Energy-saving activity and Environment load reduction
Aiming to the reduction of electricity usage, a freezing machine for refrigerator and a freezing machine for air conditioner at dangerous goods storage No.1 were renewed in 2012. 2 tap water pumps were changed to inverter type and industrial water pump and desalted water pump were changed to inverter control. Also, 4 exterior lightings were renewed to LED (from 400W mercury lamp to 135W LED), and in recent 2 years, it is worth about 120,140 kWh electricity reduction and about 41.8 tons CO2 reduction. As for exterior lightings, the prices of equipment displays a downward trend, and we are planning to convert 12 units to LED in 2014. It is worth about 12,000 kWh electricity reduction and about 4 tons CO2 reduction.
Pick UP >> Reducing Waste through Recycling
Selling Coffee Grounds and Residue from Extracting
Kashima factory promotes industrial waste reduction and resource circulation by selling coffee grounds and biodegradable wastes which is generated in large quantity during the production process to horticultural farmers and stock rising farmers. The compost uniquely produced by horticultural farmers and stock rising farmers are mainly utilized for the cultivation of green pepper, Chrysanthemum, canola flowers, pine tree for New Year’s decoration, and Sarcandra glabe. We continuously achieve zero emissions. 1,440 tons was sold in 2013 and 90% of incineration cost was reduced.