The Iwata Factory manufactures the aroma ingredients, mainly l-menthol*, and the intermediates for pharmaceuticals and electric devices. We acquired ISO9001 certification in 1997 for the first time in the domestic flavor and fragrance industry and ISO14001 certification in 2000. We also acquired FSSC22000 in l-menthol production in 2012. Continuous efforts will be made to maintain and improve Quality management, Environmental management, and Food safety management.
*l-menthol is an aroma ingredient in high demand worldwide that is main component of Mentha arvensis and peppermint.

The Iwata Factory was opened in 1968. For our 50th anniversary, we will work on to realize the factory which is safer and contributable to environmental sustainability.
Environmental Load Reduction and Climate Change Action
Boiler fuel was switched from Heavy Oil to LNG (Liquid natural gas). The introduction of LNG leads GHG reduction and air pollution control, as it contains less CO2 and NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) compared with Heavy Oil, and has little amount of dust emission.

The boiler attains high operation efficiency by adoption of green appliance and utilization of pure water, and through heat recovery. Refrigerators, air compressors, and air conditioning equipments are renewed to increase efficiency, improved and maintained based on medium- and long-term management plan. Energy-saving plan was formulated in Energy-saving education in order to promote energy conservation.
All section strive to reduce the emission of industrial waste, increase recycling percentage, and reduce the usage amount of service water in order to reduce environmental load. For example, we increase the circulation and decrease the groundwater usage by effective utilization of cascade and cooling tower coolant used in production facilities.

Through the development of green space, and the recovery and reuse of used solvent, we promote the measures of reduction of environmental burden and resource saving in production.
Disaster Control, Risk Management, and Health and Safety
Training for accident prevention and for fire response at the time of disaster are inevitable for Chemical plant. We perform integrated disaster prevention drill based on the assumption of earthquake occurrence once a year. We also perform training assuming the prevention of explosion accident.

Regarding disaster control measures and accident preventions, we organize the crisis management and control committee and continuously perform activities to identify and to reduce risk. Also, we formulate contingency plan in order to establish emergency procedures and reporting system. We maintain and strengthen disaster control measures and BCP(Business Continuity Plan).
Safety shutdown devices which instantaneously interlock by sensing earthquake were equipped to LNG satellite and the boiler facilities. Also, an emergency shutdown valve which instantaneously shutdown the supply-line when sensing earthquake was installed to a part of tanks. The entire factory is working on to establish the framework of preventing any accidents.
Regarding routine efforts of safety and health, the safety and environmental committee and 5S/Kaizen committee conduct risk assessments, on-site patrol, the accident prevention by sharing near-miss cases, and promoting the reduction of danger factors by 5S activities. Our industrial physician participates to Safety and Health committee, and a nurse and a sanitation manager implement inspection tours of work place in order to prevent accidents and disasters.
Contribution to Local Environment
We are participating in the Iwata City Town Beautification Partner System promoted by Iwata City. We conduct volunteer cleaning campaign at a local river monthly and participate in “Town Beautification Orienteering” cosponsored by local companies and City of Iwata in order to contribute to local environmental beautification.

Signboard of the Iwata City Town Beautification Partner System
Also, we actively take part of the campaign of environment beautification and the campaign of collecting the illegal dumping held by local industrial waste association. We participate to the activity of planting and thinning trees in a forest through a local environmental conservation association in order to contribute to the protection of groundwater source and the environments of forest.