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Takasago Collection® Gallery's Activities Recognized as "This is MECENAT 2022"

Based on the recognition that fragrance is culture, Takasago International Corporation (President and CEO: Satoshi Masumura) has been supporting and promoting various fragrance cultures as part of its social contribution activities, and the Takasago Collection® is a core part of our cultural activities.
The Takasago Collection® Gallery operated by our company has recently been recognized as an excellent mecenat activity under the "This is MECENAT 2022" mecenat activity recognition system by the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by supporting and disseminating cultural activities of fragrance.


◆What is MECENAT?
This is a system to certify corporate mecenat activities (creation of a rich society through the promotion of arts and culture) based on a review by experts, and to promote the creation of a rich society through arts and culture by shining a spotlight on each activity. The certified activities are issued the symbolic "Mecenat Mark".

◆About the Takasago Collection® Gallery
The Takasago Collection® Gallery was established in 1999 as a permanent exhibition room to provide visitors with an opportunity to view some of the materials and artifacts that convey the history and culture of fragrance that we have collected over the years. The Takasago Collection consists of various vessels that contain fragrances from balm pots of the ancient Orient to 20th century perfume bottles, Japanese incense implements and fragrant woods, as well as paintings and posters related to fragrances from various periods, regions, and forms.
From September 2020 to September 2021, the "Forms for Fragrance -Treasures from the Takasago Collection" exhibition was held at four art museums across Japan. This has led to the reopening of our gallery this year, where new artworks are also on display.

◆Takasago Collection® Gallery Official Site
