Consciousness and sustainable formulations for a better future
The Green Rush: Sustainability, Transparency & Takasago’s green dimensions in chemistry.
Our mission and purpose is to create fragrances that help enrich diverse cultures and quality of life around the world.
Our fragrances are created with the aim of caring about people, the global environment and society to support our future

Kaizen and continuous improvement on sustainability & green chemistry expectations will be centered around affordability and accessibility for perfumers and our customers.
Our businesses will need to respond through novel strategies that will democratize the access to sustainable products and new lifestyles.
Takasago has global policies to reduce its impact on the environment, from procurement of raw materials to fragrance creation & production.
Protecting the environment is an integral part of the Japanese culture. For the Japanese, the relationship with nature is essential and touches all aspects of life, from raw material development and product design to consumers expecting brands & scents to lead the way. This culture is infused in Takasago and informs the best strategies for circular innovations and fragrance design, to do what is right and appeal to new consumers.
Activism & design thinking for low footprint solutions with care & commitment.
For a broad range of brand owners, from fine perfumery to home and personal care applications.
The broad spectrum of ingredients offered by nature allowing 100 % natural fragrance creations to Cosmos® norms.
․ From organic to essential oil
․ From Wild To Fair Trade, and even pesticide free
․ From global to local
․ Supplied by partners through TaSuKI
vertical integration
․ Analyzed using our proprietary tool Takasource

Ingredients with the added benefit of being derived from renewable resources.
Full transparency for Takasago Biobased materials.
Upcycling to minimize waste and protect natural resources.

Novel synthetic routes to intermediates and new ingredients for a sustainable future applying Green Chemistry principles.